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Battle Marine講座


ただ、Battle Marineに関しては、本当の楽しみ方を見つけるまでに結構なやり込みが必要で、ついでに殆ど売れてないから、半ば自暴自棄になりながら、このゲームの楽しみ方を、なるべく面白おかしく書き綴ろうと思います。


(1)Battle Marineとは?

Deep Scan(©SEGA)を、よりスピーディーに、より暴力的にというコンセプトで作られたアクションゲームです。ちなみに、副題の - KAISEN - は、海戦と海鮮の両方の意味があります。



(2)Deep Scanとは?

Deep Scanとは、艦船を左右に操作して、魚雷で潜水艦を倒すアーケードゲームです。

有名どころでは、Bio_100%のSuper Depthとかですかね。

Super DepthはPC-9801用のフリーゲームですが、最近はブラウザ上でプレイできます。

Deep ScanもSuper Depthも、とても面白いゲームです。


Deep ScanとBattle Marineは、似てるけど根本的に違うゲームです。

Deep Scanは、ゆらゆらと落ちていきます。
一方、Battle Marineは電光石火の如くズドンと落ちていきます。

・Deep Scan = はえ縄
・Battle Marine = 一本釣り

Deep Scanは、狙って敵を倒すゲームではありません。敵のヒット率がなるべく高い形に爆弾をばら撒き、それに引っ掛かってくれることを願いつつ、敵弾を避けるゲームです。つまり、運ゲー的な要素が強いです。

一方、Battle Marineは敵を目視してから狙ってファイアすれば撃破できます。つまり、Battle Marineに問われる能力は、運ではなく、スナイパーとしてのテクニックです。完全なる実力主義の世界です。



Battle Marineのもう一つの特異点として、「巻き込み」というシステムがあります。



そんな訳で、Battle Marineは、スナイパー的なプレイを楽しむゲームにしたいと考えました。そこで、スコアリング・システムを工夫し、少ない弾数で多くの敵を撃破することに対するインセンティブを与えることにしました。


Battle Marineは、「爆破」が発生した時にスコアが加算されます。





Battle Marineは、プレイ時間の経過でレベル(Lv)がどんどん上昇します。Lvは、ランクカウンタと呼ばれる変数が0になったタイミングで上昇し、最大16まで上がります。





実は、Battle Marineは前半(Lv.1~8)と後半(Lv.9~16)では、全く別物のゲーム性になるように調整してあります。




私はBattle Marineを設計した当初、「何も考えずに暴力的にショットを乱射してスカッとプレイできるゲームを作りたい」と考えていました。


ここまでの内容を理解した上で、もう一度Battle Marineをプレイしてみて下さい。
Good Luck!



NOKOGI Rider - Information (13-Mar, 2013)

NOKOGI Rider is a vertical-scrolling danmaku STG (hell-barrage shooting game).

It features '90s arcade-style graphics and complex music based on wave memory sounds.
The game itself has a rather retro feel, but the controls are designed specifically for the touch screen of a smartphone. For example, unlike many games that have been ported from arcade games, there are no difficult to use software buttons on the screen. The game can be played easily with one hand.

Screen shots:


Android version:
- Paid: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.suzukiplan.SHOT04 (1.6MB)
- Lite: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.suzukiplan.SHOT04T (1.0MB)

Windows version:
http://www.melonbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=IT0000157766 (1.7MB)
* Windows version is sales on Japanese DL store "Melonbooks DL"
* You can download the Lite version for Windows to click "体験版ダウンロード".

iPhone/iPodTouch version:
Coming soon!

Basic Play

Clear the level using a laser that can erase shots and enemy bullets.
There are five stages in total.
*Only one stage in lite version.


Android version:
- Touching the screen will cause your piece to move to the selected spot while shooting.
- Removing your finger from the screen will charge your laser meter.
- Touching the screen while the laser meter is fully charged will fire the laser.
- Pushing the back button or multitouching three points on the screen will pause the game.
- Pushing the home button will paused the game and return to the home screen.

Windows version:
- Left click: same as "Touch"
- Right click: same as "Puase button"
- Alt+F4: same as "Home button"

iPhone/iPodTouch version:
- Touching the screen will cause your piece to move to the selected spot while shooting.
- Removing your finger from the screen will charge your laser meter.
- Touching the screen while the laser meter is fully charged will fire the laser.
- Multitouching three points on the screen will pause the game.
- Pushing the home button will ended the game and return to the home screen.


1) Medals
-Medals appear when an enemy is defeated in the sky.
-Collect medals by moving close to them.
-When firing laser, medals will be collected without going close to them.
-Besides lasers, there are various situations that affect medal collection.
-Collecting medals while firing the laser will recharge the laser meter slightly.
-Medals collected when shot value is high are worth more points.
-The cumulative medal score will be reset to zero upon a miss.

2) Stars
-Stars appear when an enemy is defeated on land.
-"+1" will be displayed if a star is collected while shooting.
-"Energy" is displayed if a star is collected while resting or shooting laser.
-If many "+1" are collected, the shot value will increase in a short amount of time.
-Collecting "Energy" will fill the laser meter.
-The cumulative "+1" score will be reset to zero upon a miss.

3) Stardust
-Stardust appears when an enemy's bullet is erased or trasnformed
-Stardust is automatically collected.
-Collecting stardust will improve your score slightly.
-The cumulative stardust score will be reset to zero upon a miss.

4) 1up
-1up will appear when certain enemies are defeated.
-When 1up is collected, game is extended.

*In this game there are no powerups. The starting condition is also the strongest.


There are six extensions to be achieved at certain scores.
1- 1,000,000 points
2- 3,000,000 points
3- 6,000,000 points
4- 10,000,000 points
5- 20,000,000 points
6- 30,000,000 points
If you achieve an extension with 8 vehicles remaining, nothing will happen.


There are three types of vehicles.
- TYPE A: Well-rounded vehicle (for intermediate players)
- TYPE B: Excels at high-speed, low-range attacks (for advanced players)
- TYPE C: Excels at low-speed, long-range attacks (for beginning players)


There are three levels of difficulty.
- BEGINNER: The easiest mode.
- SOLDIER: A mode that will be enjoyable for gamers.
- NINJA: A mode for those unique people who consider themselves shooters.
*I recommend that even experienced and skilled shooters start by beating the BEGINNER mode.

Shot Value

Shot value will increase through actions such as firing at enemy bullet.
The value is displayed in the top left of the screen. The maximum value is 99,999.
When the shot value is over 10,000, received scores will be doubled.
If the shot value does not increase for a certain amount of time, it will begin to drop rapidly. 
The harder the level of play, the longer the time until the shot value drops.
In other words, compared to BEGINNER mode, in NINJA mode, the shot value will drop slower and be easier to maintain.


The key to attacks in this game is the proper use of the laser.
Using the laser allows for relatively easy clearing. 
First, aim to clear levels by fully using the laser.
However, because the shot value falls through use of the laser, your score will be low.
So once you have mastered the game while using the laser, next try to play while using the laser as little as possible.
Also, score for normal shots is higher when enemies are closer. 

Saving and Playback of Replays

By selecting "SAVE REPLAY" on the home screen after a game ends, you can save a replay of the previous game, with up to 8 replays possible to be saved at once. 
Use "LOAD REPLAY" to playback saved replays.

Practice (only in paid version)

In practice mode, you can practice any stage that you have reached at least once. 
In practice mode, your highest score, and the replay of your highest score, are automatically saved. 
In practice mode you start with 8 vehicles.

Play Data

By selecting "PLAY DATA" on the home screen, you can check play records.
The records that are saved include scores, rankings, number of times each stage has been played, and playing time. 
*In the paid version play data is automatically saved, but in the Lite version it is cleared when the app is closed.

Music Room

From the title page selecting "CONFIGURATION" then "MUSIC ROOM" will allow you to listen to all music used in NOKOGI Rider.
*In the Lite version, you can only listen to music used in the Lite version.

Differences between the Lite and paid versions

- Number of stages: paid-5, Lite-1
- Play data save: paid-yes, Lite-no
- Replay saves: paid-yes, Lite-no
*There is no in-app purchases in this game.


ここ最近、実機版の東方VGSの開発が忙しくて、東方VGSの曲追加が滞っています。 東方VGS(実機版)のデザインを作りながら検討中。基本レトロUIベースですがシークバーはモダンに倣おうかな…とか pic.twitter.com/YOYprlDsYD — SUZUKI PLAN (...