- 2.8 - Apps that are not very useful or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
- 3.4 - App names in iTunes Connect and as displayed on Mac OS X should be the same, so as not to cause confusion
- 5.1 - Apps must comply with all terms and conditions explained in the Guidelines for using Apple Trademark and Copyrights and the Apple Trademark List
- 6.4 - Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good it may be rejected
We found that your app is primarily songs and is therefore not appropriate for the Mac App Store. Songs and movies should be submitted to the iTunes store. For more information about distributing content in the iTunes store, please see iTunes Partner as a Content Provider. If you own or control the song or movie content for digital distribution, or are an authorized representative, complete the iTunes Connect Online Application.要は、音楽を鳴らすアプリなら iTunes でやれってことですね。
The app name to be displayed on the App Store does not sufficiently match the name of the app displayed when installed on Mac OS X.(中略)これは単純にXCodeのプロジェクト設定をミスっていて表示名とアプリケーション名が不一致だったという感じのもの。大した問題ではありません。
The app uses 'Mac' in the Installed App Name in a manner that is not consistent with Apple's trademark guidelines. Indicating Mac compatibility in the app name is not necessary for the Mac App Store.これも 3.4 とほぼ同じ。
The user interface is not of sufficient quality. Applications that provide a poor user experience are not considered appropriate for the App Store.Your app appears to be a mostly unmodified port of your iOS app.
The Mac OS environment is significantly different from the iOS environment, and it is important that your app be a great app on Mac OS X. Multiple windows, windows that resize or go full screen, and control functionality for mouse and keyboard, are some of the many features customers expect in a Mac OS X app, and it's important that your app look and work well in a Mac OS X environment.
For app design information, see the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. The HIG provides in-depth guidance on the characteristics of a great Mac OS X app, and describes the appropriate technologies and interface elements Mac OS X provides to add to your app.
Also available is Programming with Objective-C, a guide to getting started with the Objective-C programming language.
長いですが要約すると iOSアプリの単純移植はダメー とのこと。
Apple Human Interface Guidelineをよく見て、Mac OS Xアプリらしいデザインにせよとかそんな感じの指摘。
言わんとすることは分かりますが、そういう指摘するなら Mac OS X で iOS アプリを動かせれるようにしてくれませんかね?と言いたい。
2.8 の件は私のアプリ固有の問題ですが、この6.4の指摘に関しては、同じ轍を踏んだ人が結構多いんじゃないだろうか。
とりあえず、東方BGM on VGS の Mac OS X版 はお蔵入りにします。
主に 2.8 が致命傷。
実はこの規約、iOSアプリの審査基準にも同じ項目があるので、iOS版の東方BGM on VGSがそれを理由にリジェクトされても何ら不思議はないことだったりしますが。
なお、東方BGM on VGS は OS X移植を諦めますが、とりあえず何本かリリースした実績を作っておきたいので、今度はInvader Block 2で審査に出そうと思います。
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Invader Block 2の Mac OS X版 (画面は開発中のものです) (ちなみに操作はキーボード専用) |